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terms and conditions



  1. Esello sp. z o.o. based in Reńska Wieś, 8 Fabryczna Street, Tax ID Number: PL7492112109, REGON: 389648047

Is engaged in the manufacture and wholesale of baby products and in this respect is the owner of an online sales platform (henceforth B2B platform) the role of which is to support Clients and facilitate the  product sales to regular customers ( henceforth the Customer).


  1. B2B Platform is working at the following address:
  2. In order to gain access to the B2B Platform, the Client shall: apply for cooperation by means of electronic mail, fill in application form supplied by fax or e-mail, provide the documents of his  company to the following e-mail address by fax).
  3. The account will be activated after verification of the company documents.
  4. The Client may be refused by Esello sp. z o.o. of the right to use B2B Platform at any time without giving any reason.
  5. The descriptions and product images are the property of Esello sp. z o.o., they  are protected by copyright property law and personal copyright law. Esello sp. z o.o.  consents to the Client’s use of pictures and descriptions only for the sole purpose of sale of Esello sp. z o.o. products, only during the period of mutual cooperation.
  6. Before activating the service of on-line orders, please read the rules and conditions. Activating the service, the Client acknowledges that he has read the rules and accepts all its provisions.
  7. Any information obtained through access to B2B platform is confidential. Client agrees to maintain confidentiality, this applies in particular to passwords, login, wholesale prices, specifications, organization and distribution, and any data available on the  B2B Platform.
  8. Detailed information on individual elements of co-operation, information about new products, end products, etc. is also available on the daily basis on B2B Platform and tabs described in the section "News"


  1. All Esello sp. z o.o. products are manufactured with due care and attention to quality. Baskets sold under the brand name My Sweet Baby (wicker hood cribs, wicker drape cribs, hanging cribs, Retro cribs) are covered by a certificate of TUV Rheinland and are manufactured in accordance with the requirements specified in the certificate and according to PN-EN 1130-1:2001 and BS EN 1130 -2:2001. Beddings, cover sets for cribs and other textile products are manufactured from the highest quality 100% cotton fabric having OKOTEX certificates . Bumper, bedding, baby nest filling and others - is made of non-woven fluff having approval of OKOTEX. Detailed information on the approvals are to be found on B2B Platform in a dedicated tab. Cots and bassinets are coated with ecological paintings, which are manufactured according to the safety standard EN71-3. You can find more details about this certificate in the category "Certificates of raw materials" on the B2B platform.
  2. Taking care to constantly increase the quality of our products Esello sp. z o.o. reserves the right to make changes in the products and collections, including the structural changes that do not alter the overall nature of the products, but they may differ from those pictured.
  3. For reasons beyond our control, the products made of textile, wood or wicker coming from different production batches may be slightly different in shade of colour from each other and from the published images. Photos presented in electronic form on the monitors, computers, etc. may be in different colours depending on individual settings for each user.
  4. Wood and wicker products are made from 100% natural raw material, which has its own unique colour, drawing and structure, which causes that  each product has its own individual and unique character. Slight differences in the colour  of individual elements do not give rise to the complaint. In the case of cots and wood products -  small scratches or bumps are permitted, especially in places that are not visible and do not affect the way and the safety of their use.
  5. Products in the "Basic" Bobono  line of products- in the case of fabric sewn with large printed patterns, individual elements may vary slightly from those pictured. This is due to the fact that during the cutting of fabrics with printed patterns, large individual elements may be cut from  another piece of printing (pattern), and then they will be made from a different piece of fabric.


  1. The product photos are the property of Esello sp. z o.o., they are protected by copyright property law and personal copyright law. Esello sp. z o.o. agrees to the use by customers of photos and descriptions for the sole purpose of selling Esello sp. z o.o., products only during the mutual collaboration.

  1. All prices on the B2B palttform are net prices.
  2. The discounts depend on the order value and are counted by the sales manager.
  3. Prices given with the product do not include the costs of shipment.
  4. The shipment cost is evaluated by the system at the time of placing the order is indicative, calculated on the basis of weight / volume of the goods ordered. Actual shipping costs are given separately by the sales staff at the time of confirming the order.


   1. Payment of the amount due for the order may be made by means of bank  transfer to the Esello sp. z o.o.. bank account within 7 days. 

   2. EURO payements:
EUR PL53160014621736898200000003 SWIFT PPABPLPK.

  3.  Goods are shipped after receiving the payment. Failure to pay within a prescribed period results in cancellation of the order.


  1. The sales manager prepare a sales document - VAT Invoice to each order.
  2. The invoices with with 0% VAT:
      - only may be issued for clients from the Europeean Union to a customer with valid europeean VAT number.
         The number is verified before the issue of an invoice on the website of the European Commission
      - m
ay be issued to a customer who does not live in the country of the seller after customs clearance and payment of customs    duties


  1. Orders are delivered by courier company.
  2. Prices fee for one parcel up to 30 kg are sent with the offer, are different depending on the country of delivery.
  3. The cost of shipping one pack also includes the cost of packaging and packing cost. In case of receiving the order differently than by the courier commissioned by Pexim Group sp. z o.o. sp.k. - i.e. by the Client's own courier, or his own transport or collecting the order in person -  the value of the invoice for the goods ordered will be increased by the cost of cartons or other packaging, depending on individual arrangements with the customer.
  4. Fees for shipping by courier may change in the event of price changes in courier companies, changes in tolls or change in the amount of fuel price adjustments.
  5. Courier deliveries are insured, also in case of the so-called "Hidden damages". On receipt of the package, please check the packaging and contents. If the contents is damaged, broken, scratched, please specify this on the receipt of the package from the courier. If a shipment has been received from the courier without checking the contents - information about shipping damage must be sent by the recipient on the same day in which the shipment was received. It is the condition for consideration of the complaint by the courier company   to provide a copy of an e-mail with the date of filing the complaint. Complaints associated with damage to the goods, reported the next day or after a few days will not be considered. Terms of handling this kind of complaint is solely dictated by the rules of procedure of courier companies, which our company also had to accept.


  1. Orders are fulfilled in the order of their submission. Orders placed on holidays and days off from work will be carried out from the first working day following these days. Courier shippings take place from Monday to Friday excluding public holidays and non-working days, after receipt of payment to our account.
  2. Date of shipment depends on the availability of the ordered goods, the particulars and terms are negotiated individually.
  3. The Goods are delivered to the address specified by the customer. It is possible to dispatch orders to the address of the client or dropshipping - to the address of individual Client's customer. Detailed information on the deliveries in the form of "dropshipping" are given in the "Dropshipping" tab on our webpage. For each shipment, a sale document is issued - a VAT invoice.
  4. Placing  the correct order through B2B platform is synonymous to the agreement between the Esello sp. z o.o. company and the customer regarding the conditions laid down in these Rules. The customer may cancel the order in writing (e-mail or fax.) until the courier has been ordered.
  5. The time of delivery consists of: delivery time by Esello sp. z o.o. (picking of goods, issuance of documents, waiting for confirmation of payment, packaging, shipping), and direct delivery time depending on the courier.


  1. Esello sp. z o.o. provides, on behalf of the Client, the so called dropshipping service, that is shipping the ordered products directly to the final customer (retail customer of the Client). This service is available in all countries of the European Union, and in addition in Switzerland and Norway. Shipment to other countries - please clarify this with Esello sp. z o.o. beforehand.
  2. To use the "dropshipping" service, the Client must place an order, and then in the "Shipping Address" give full details of his customer, including telephone contact. On the basis of the order, the  employees of the Esello sp. z o.o. complete the order:  pack, photograph the parcel, and then bring it into the appropriate courier company and ensure its proper forwarding.
  3. The package sent using the "dropshipping" service  is provided with a sticker  with unique serial number and a description of the content. In the event of any claims , individualized serial number (or send a photo sticker) should be provided.
  4. The package sent using the "dropshipping"  service may be marked with a special colored sticker with the name of the store / and the name of Client's shop.
  5. The Customer invoice may be attached to the shipment, as a part of the "dropshipping" service. To this end, the Client must first send his invoice to Esello sp. z o.o. via e-mail.
  6. Promotional materials and Client advertising materials may also be included in the shipment. To use this option, the Customer must provide Esello sp. z o.o. with his advertising materials, at his own expense.
  7. At the time of "dropshipping" shipment, the Client is informed of the shipment, the name of the courier and parcel consignment number.
  8. The Client must monitor courier shipment information on his own, using courier information system, and thus obtain information on the delivery or any problems with delivery. The Client  must also inform his customer of the fact that the item has been shipped, and  of the expected time of delivery and inform them of the need to verify the contents of the shipment on the same day.
  9. Any damage to the inside of the consignment, breakage of elements, scratching, etc. must be reported by the customer to the Client on the same day in which the delivery if the ordered items took place. In addition to information about the damage to the shipment, it  must be accompanied with the photos showing damage - in order to facilitate and speed up the complaint procedure with courier company serving the shipment.
  10. Any quantitative complaints, complaints regarding the delivery of a different product than ordered, etc. - must be reported within 7 days from the date of delivery of the package. Such complaint shall be accompanied by images  of the content of the package, as well as by the photograph of  delivery sticker with the serial number and description. Such complaints are dealt with on the basis of a comparison with images taken  at the time of shipment  of packaging. If the pictures taken at the time of packaging agree to the amount and type of advertised goods - such complaint shall be deemed to be unfounded. In the case of non-compliance of an order with the photographs or the photo proves any deficiencies  - Esello sp. z o.o. will be sending new products  or will replace inappropriate products at its own expense.
  11. "Dropshipping" service is free. Esello sp. z o.o. reserves the right to implement payment for "dropshipping" services at any time, with 2 weeks  advance notice.


  1. Complaints relating to mechanical damage incurred during shipping will be considered only after the issuance of a damage protocol signed by the recipient and the provider of shipping (in Poland). For deliveries to other countries - it is not necessary to write down a damage protocol with the courier, but it is necessary to provide information about the damage to the  shipment, which must be sent by the recipient (customer or the Client) on the same day in which he received the shipment,  by e-mail. Complaints associated with damage to the goods, reported the next day or after a few days will not be considered. Terms of handling this kind of complaint is solely dictated by the rules of procedure of courier companies, which our company also had to accept. In addition, it is necessary to provide  information and pictures of the damage, in order to facilitate determination of the  extent of damage.
  2. In the case of any complaints, please contact Pexim Group sp. z o.o. sp.k. and your own sales representative via email.
  3. Quantitative claims or other goods related claims must be reported within 7 days from the date of delivery.
  4. All items are photographed at the time of packaging, they are also marked with a unique serial number. Verification of the quantitative complaint or other is based on the photos. Such complaints are dealt with on the basis of a comparison with images taken at the time of shipment packaging. If the pictures taken at the time of packaging agree to the amount and type of advertised goods - such complaint shall be deemed to be unfounded. In the case of non-compliance of an order with the photographs or the photo proves any deficiencies - Esello sp. z o.o. will be sending new products or will replace inappropriate products at its own expense.



  1. All Esello sp. z o.o. products are covered by a 24 month manufacturer's warranty, provided they are used in accordance with the function, purpose and recommendations in the instructions for the product. Warranty does not cover normal wear of individual elements, product defects resulting from misuse, improper assembly, improper storage, mechanical and thermal damage, change the colour of the fabric, loss of small pieces of equipment, damage or tear of the fabric that was the fault of the user.
  2. In the case of damage for which the guarantee is given, it is necessary to provide the serial number of the product (for baskets for babies, cribs, etc.), date of purchase, proof of purchase, description of damage, and to attach pictures. Most of the complaints are dealt with is the "default" based on the photos and descriptions, without the need to supply the product. In case of positive response to the complaint, the defective part or product is delivered to the customer at the expense of Esello sp. z o.o. Complaints are dealt with within 14 days of receipt of complete information.


  1. Esello sp. z o.o. reserves the right to change product prices, change or withdraw products offered, add new and carry out promotional campaigns. Price change does not apply to orders confirmed and accepted for implementation. Esello sp. z o.o. reserves the right to withdraw certain products from the offer even if the orders were made ​​for these goods.
  2. All promotions are  temporary or  are valid until stocks last. Esello sp. z o.o. reserves the right to shorten the duration of the  promotion.
  3. Esello sp. z o.o. will not be liable to the Client  for the lack of possibility to use  B2B platforms, especially for interruptions arising from technical reasons.
  4. Esello sp. z o.o. reserves the right to unilaterally change these terms at any time.
  5. According to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) it is for Esello sp. z o.o. verry important to protect personal customer data. The personal data provided during the registration are used only for order realization and information transfer between customer and seller as well as for marketing and evidence. The Client has the right to inspect their data, to correct them and make a request to discontinue their use. The data administrator is Esello sp. z o.o.
  6. In the matters not regulated herein, the provisions of the Civil Code apply.
  7. Any disputes relating to these Rules shall be settled by the court competent for the seat of Esello sp. z o.o..


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